On the next tab (Image) you'll see the view of what the patient receives after booking the appointment through the Website / Mypractice APP or via the CALLER-ID panel (Booking in a Video Consultation appointment). This SMS is immediately sent to the patient, and they are able to access and click the link if they wanted to, however clicking on the link early does nothing.
A second text message will be sent to the patient 5 minutes prior to the consult reminding them of their upcoming Video consultation.
On the next tab (Image) you'll see what a patient would see if they joined the video consult before the Practitioner (Doctor) does. This would typically happen if the patient joined at the time of the consultation, but the Doctor is running a bit late and would join later.
Once the Doctor has joined, it will update and show the Joining Consult image.
On the next tab (Image) you'll see what a patient would view if the Practitioner (Doctor) was already waiting for the patient to join. The patient simple clicks on the "Join consult" button and it'll immediately connect them through.
Doctors are capable of pinging the patient to join if required, more on this over at Pinging the Patient.
On the next tab (Image) you'll see an example of needing to allow permissions to both the Camera and Microphone of their device.
More than likely the patient will be required to allow access to their Camera and Microphone so that AutoMed can utilise this for their Video consultation.
The patient must enable these so that:
The Doctor can hear them speak.
The Doctor can see them to help examine the issue.
If they're accidentally declined this, they are able to enable the permissions again.
On the next tab (Image) you'll see the overview of the interface AutoMed used. Once a patient has completely connected into the consultation and allowed permissions they'll be greeted with a similar look of Zoom.
Patients are able to mute themselves, disable their video (or enable), chat and view all participants.
Patients are also capable of leaving the call whenever. This does not stop the consultation itself.
On the next tab (Image) you'll see the view of no telehealth bookings available for today.
If a patient cancels their booking, they would still have received the original link to the video consultation sent via SMS (As given in Patient SMS). However, this poses no security risk, as the link will only display a message indicating that no appointments are available for the day.
On the next tab (Image) you'll see what a patient would receive if a Doctor has pinged them to join the video consult. The use case to this would typically be if the Doctor is earlier than the patient to the appointment, allowing them to ping the patient notifying them that their Doctor is ready for the consult.
When a Video consultation has been booked either the Website, APP or via a staff member from the CALLER-ID Panel, a URL will be injected into the patient's details, Doctor's have 2 options for joining this.
Option 1 (First Image tab): Doctors can click into the patient's details that are viewable from the appointment book screen of Best Practice (typically where reception write notes for the doctors), copy the URL and paste into their preferred web browser and start the video consultation this way.
Option 2 (Second Image tab): Doctors can right-click on the patient's appointment from the appointment book screen of Best Practice and select the "Start Video" option. This should launch automatically into your web browser. This is your best option.
If you decide to have your Video consultation appointment type named anything other than "Telehealth Consult" on Best Practice, you will not be able to use Option 2.(Start Video)
More information can be found -
This will open in a new tab - this process shows you how to start a video consult
You may have to enable permissions on each consultation room once, it should from then remember this setting for future consultations.
First Image tab: The first image being that, once first launched for the very first time, you'll see a large grey banner in the middle of your screen notifying you to allow access to your microphone and camera.
Second Image tab: The second image being that in the top right left corner of your browser you'll have a pop-up box to either allow or block access to your microphone and camera. It is critical to allow access to this. It only allows access to automedsystems.com.au website and not the entirety of your browser.
On the next tab, (Image) you'll see an option in the top right of the interface that has a green button to "Ping Patient". This is useful if a doctor is earlier than the scheduled appointment time, they can immediately send a text message to the patient asking them to join and re-send the link to the patient to join. You can see the example -
This text message is currently customised and set as:
On the next tab (Image) you'll see a timer example, this appears in the very top middle of the screen, this is to aid the doctor in knowing how much time both doctor and patient have been together.
On the next tab (Image) you'll see an example of what appears in the top-left corner of the screen.
Room: The room name is generated with the URL (automedsystems.com.au/online/thealth/drview/............) this is where the room name is generated, this serves no real purpose.
Patient: This lets you know what patient you're connected to
First Image tab: To finish the consultation with the patient, you must click the "Complete Meeting" button to finalise the video consultation. Leaving by either closing the tab/browser or the red hang up icon will not finish the meeting.
Second Image tab: This thank you screen will appear after clicking the "Complete Meeting" button, it just gently reminds going back to your Practice Management Software (Best Practice) to finalise the patient notes / billing.
Guide and information provided is up to date as of: 19/03/2024
If you have any questions or concerns related to this guide or require help with having this setup, please feel free to reach out to the IT team —
Alternatively, you can request the AutoMed team to help you —
Your site has been provided with a "Telehealth Consult / Video Consult" appointment type on AutoMed. We have included the normal appointment restrictions, these are: New Patient able to book: Disabled Previous face-to-face visit required In months: 12 months Cancellation Hours: 2 hours Telehealth +/ Post-Payment: $0.01
Please note, if you want to charge for these automatically after the appointment, put your usual gap fee price instead of $0.01 - Currently, with the amount set to $0.01 this does not capture credit-cards and is considered "bulk-billed". Reception will have to chase the patients after the appointment for payment.
If you have any questions or concerns related to this guide or need help, please feel free to reach out to the IT team — helpdesk@myhealth.net.au
If Telehealth consult isn't an appointment type, add one.
If when adding "Telehealth Consult" it states an appointment already exists but was deleted, restore this.
You must not deviate from "Telehealth Consult" this is case sensitive
You are allowed to choose whatever icon for the appointment
Remember to update AutoMed's appointment type to reflect your changes, otherwise patients won't be able to book this appointment type.
The appointment must be booked via an AutoMed system, it cannot be booked directly in Best Practice.
This means you're unable to simply create the appointment purely in Best Practice, the patient's need to either book via the Website or through the Mypractice APP. Alternatively, a receptionist can book this appointment type via the CALLER-ID panel.
The appointment will immediately appear, and the video link generated will be automatically put into the patient's notes of that appointment for the Doctor to copy into their Web browser.