Billing Type Per must be set to “Place Funds on Hold”
$253.55 (AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM) CON021 // Social After Hours
$506.75 (AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM) CON022 // Non Social After Hours
1. Head to AutoMed's dashboard and click on "Appointment Types"
2. Click on the Pencil icon next to the After-Hours (AH) GP Consults
This allows you to edit these appointments, including fees!
3. Click on the Telehealth / Post Payment Required box
4. Click on the “Billing Type Per:” box and select “Place funds on hold”
We are able to select from:
Place funds on hold
5. Click the billing schedule fee and select whichever appointment type you require
This example is using the “CON021 // Social After Hours”, meaning we’d need to select “CON022 // Non Social After Hours” in the other appointment we need to make.
6. Click on the Amount box
$253.55 (AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM) CON021 // Social After Hours
$506.75 (AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM) CON022 // Non Social After Hours
Depending on which AutoMed Appointment type you’re editing, you must change them to the specific type above, for this example, we’re editing - CON021 // Social After Hours - This represents between 6PM and 11PM
The amount $253.55 is reflected as $250 on the website
The amount $506.75 is reflected as $500 on the website
7. Click into the 'Online Pop-Up Message:' text body
We have to change this amount to reflect to the new amount you put in the previous step.
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>This Phone consultation will be billed according to our standard billing schedule and policy. </strong></p></h4><br>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong><font color="red">Please note Medicare rebates are not available to patients that have not visited the practice in the last 12 months, if you have not had a face to face appointment in the past 12 months please book an in-clinic appointment instead. </font></strong></h4></p>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>To confirm your appointment you will be required to enter your card details. These details are stored securely and will only be debited according to the scheduled fee, if applicable, once the consultation has been completed. </strong></p></h4>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>$253.55 will be placed on hold on your card at time of booking to secure payment after the consult. </strong></p></h4>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>A surcharge of 1.28% plus 35c applies to online card payments. </strong></p></h4>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>Would you like to proceed with making an appointment? </strong></p></h4><br>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>This Phone consultation will be billed according to our standard billing schedule and policy. </strong></p></h4><br>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong><font color="red">Please note Medicare rebates are not available to patients that have not visited the practice in the last 12 months, if you have not had a face to face appointment in the past 12 months please book an in-clinic appointment instead. </font></strong></h4></p>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>To confirm your appointment you will be required to enter your card details.These details are stored securely and will only be debited according to the scheduled fee, if applicable, once the consultation has been completed. </strong></p></h4>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>$506.75 will be placed on hold on your card at time of booking to secure payment after the consult.</strong></p></h4>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>A surcharge of 1.28% plus 35c applies to online card payments. </strong></p></h4>
<h4><p class="text-center"><strong>Would you like to proceed with making an appointment? </strong></p></h4><br>
8. Click on the submit button.
Submit to finalise the appointment type, this should take effect straight away.
Rinse and repeat the same step above for the other After-hours appointment type, making sure you change the amount.
Also, making sure we reflect the price change in the description of the Online Pop-Up Message.
The amount $253.55 is reflected as $250 on the website
The amount $506.75 is reflected as $500 on the website
9. On the main Appointment Type page, scroll all the way down and click submit again