Guide up to date as of 10.01.2024
This guide took 7 hours and 16 minutes to create. [Over 2 weeks of actual time]
If you have any questions or concerns related to this guide or require help with having this setup, please feel free to reach out to the IT team — helpdesk@myhealth.net.au
Alternatively, you can request the AutoMed team to help you — support@automedsystems.com.au
Topics covered in this entire guide:
Establishing our own urgent after-hours telehealth service to cover both social and non-social hours in compliance with the PIP After-Hours Incentive guideline (Level 5). Scope and Coverage:
Our After-Hours telehealth program aligns seamlessly with the Practice Incentives Program (PIP) After-Hours Incentive guidelines, providing comprehensive coverage during the complete after-hours period, which includes:
Outside 8 am to 6 pm on weekdays.
Outside 8 am to 12 noon on Saturdays.
All day on Sundays and public holidays.
This after-hours period is further categorised into:Sociable After-Hours Period:
From 6 pm through to 11 pm on weeknights.
Unsociable After-Hours Period:
From 11 pm through to 8 am on weekdays.
Hours outside of 8 am and 12 noon on Saturdays.
All day on Sundays and public holidays.
This meticulous coverage ensures that our telehealth services address the varying needs of patients during both sociable and unsociable after-hours periods, adhering to the specific timeframes outlined by the PIP guidelines.
AutoMed has many features, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by them, initially looking at the dashboard. This section solely focuses on the Fees and financial aspects of AutoMed's Dashboard.
This group showcases:
After-Hour Fee setup (The After-Hour Fee is divided into parts to make it easier for others to find what they need without having to read the whole guide.)
How to Run a Debtors Book Audit and send a URL to a patient for payment
Updating After-Hours Fees (This is purely for those that already have After-hours setup and are bumping up their prices)
Copy the details below exactly. Be sure to do this for both!
AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM
AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM
Hi <PtFullName>, your Phone Consult is confirmed. Doctor: <Doctor> Date: <ApptDate> Your doctor will call you from a private number as close as possible to your appointment time but may run a little late. Thank you, <ClinicName>
You will need to create 2 Appointment Types.
AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM 10:45pm end time if Doctors are setup for 15minute intervals 10:50pm end time if Doctors are setup for 10minute intervals
AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM 07:45am end time if Doctors are setup for 15minute intervals 07:50am end time if Doctors are setup for 10minute intervals
You will need to create 2 custom practice fees
CON021 // Social After-Hours
CON022 // Non Social After-Hours
Fee prices do not matter. You could keep these blank if you wanted
Guide up to date as of 02.04.2023
If you have any questions or concerns related to this guide or require help with having this setup, please feel free to reach out to the IT team — helpdesk@myhealth.net.au
Alternatively, you can request the AutoMed team to help you — support@automedsystems.com.au
You can run the Start and End Date field up to 90 days at each given time
You may see “Resend URL” this is letting you know a previous SMS has already been sent
You can customise all TIER SMS messages to what your clinic requires, to find out how view Manage / Update your Debtors Templates
You have successfully sent a Tier 1/2/3 SMS message to the selected patient
If you need to manage your Debtors templates to customise to your clinic’s needs, please click the link below.
If you would like to see the patient’s view, please click the link below.
Be sure to do this for both!
AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM
AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM
Billing Type Per must be set to “Place Funds on Hold”
$253.55 (AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM) CON021 // Social After Hours $506.75 (AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM) CON022 // Non Social After Hours
This allows you to edit these appointments, including fees!
We are able to select from:
Place funds on hold
This example is using the “CON021 // Social After Hours”, meaning we’d need to select “CON022 // Non Social After Hours” in the other appointment we need to make.
$253.55 (AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM) CON021 // Social After Hours $506.75 (AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM) CON022 // Non Social After Hours
Depending on which AutoMed Appointment type you’re editing, you must change them to the specific type above, for this example, we’re editing - CON021 // Social After Hours - This represents between 6PM and 11PM
The amount $253.55 is reflected as $250 on the website The amount $506.75 is reflected as $500 on the website
We have to change this amount to reflect to the new amount you put in the previous step.
Submit to finalise the appointment type, this should take effect straight away.
Rinse and repeat the same step above for the other After-hours appointment type, making sure you change the amount. Also, making sure we reflect the price change in the description of the Online Pop-Up Message.
The amount $253.55 is reflected as $250 on the website The amount $506.75 is reflected as $500 on the website
These changes should take effect immediately.
Video Tutorial:
The After-Hour session times are:
6PM - 11PM
11PM - 12AM
12AM - 8AM
Same with start and end dates. (Leave blank for indefinite)
Be sure to do this for both!
AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM
AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM
Hi <PtPrefName>, this is a friendly reminder of your Phone appointment with <DrName> on <ApptDate> at <ApptTime>.
Please reply YES to confirm or NO to cancel.
Please expect a call at around the time of the appointment, however your doctor may be running late. Thank you, <ClinicName>
Be sure to do this for both!
AH GP Consult 6PM - 11PM
AH GP Consult 11PM - 8AM
Hi <PtPrefName>, this is a friendly reminder of your Phone appointment with <DrName> on <ApptDate> at <ApptTime>.
Please reply YES to confirm or NO to cancel.
Please expect a call at around the time of the appointment, however your doctor may be running late. Thank you, <ClinicName>
Video Tutorial:
The below part of the guide will show you how AutoMed will read the After-Hour sessions only and not care for anything other when you create these After-Hour Doctor sessions. [Creating Doctor Sessions in Best practice]
You’re free to choose any colour you’d like during the setup of creating your Doctors After-Hours sessions, but you will need to remember these colours, or you can add them to the custom colours row.
Once you’ve setup all the required doctor sessions and the custom colour of your choosing, we have to do the same on AutoMed’s dashboard under the appointment types.
If you have forgotten these, go back here - Getting Red, Green and Blue values
You will repeat this step for all other After-Hour sessions.
Video Tutorial:
This allows AutoMed to communicate with Best Practice purely with colours. This essentially is saying that when patient’s book an appointment for these After-Hour sessions they can only communicate with a yellow column in Best Practice, so it doesn’t accidentally go somewhere else.
Guide up to date as of 02.04.2023
If you have any questions or concerns related to this guide or require help with having this setup, please feel free to reach out to the IT team — helpdesk@myhealth.net.au
Alternatively, you can request the AutoMed team to help you — support@automedsystems.com.au
Below are customisable templates, feel free change this up to fit your clinic’s needs. I suggest having:
TIER 1 be sent within 24-48 hours or end of business day.
TIER 2 being sent between 48-72hours+ with a more aggressive notice saying it’s overdue and was payable on the day.
TIER 3 being for DNA’S if your clinic charges patients for these.
Hi <PtPrefName>, Following your recent Consultation with <DrName>, please kindly click on the link below to settle your invoice dated <InvDate>. We are unable to release any documents until payment has been made in full. <PaymentURL> This is a secure link. You will be prompted to enter your Date of Birth to verify your identity before the invoice and payment page is displayed. Please call our friendly reception on <UsrPhone> if you require any assistance. Thank you <ClinicName>
Hi <PtPrefName>, Attention -This is just a reminder following your consultation with <DrName>, please note that this account is now overdue, please click on the link below to settle your invoice dated <InvDate>. We are unable to release any documents until payment has been made in full.
This is a secure link. You will be prompted to enter your Date of Birth to verify your identity before the invoice and payment page is displayed.
Please call us on <UsrPhone> if you need any assistance. Thank you <ClinicName>
Hi <PtPrefName>, Despite our efforts to get in contact with you regarding your appointment with <DrName> today, we have placed a no-show charge of $40 on your account as you have failed to attend. Please click on the link below to settle your no-show fee ASAP.
This is a secure link. You will be prompted to enter your Date of Birth to verify your identity before the invoice and payment page is displayed.
Please call us on <UsrPhone> if you need any assistance. Thank you <ClinicName>
Immediately after sending the “Send URL” button with the Payment URL Message, the patient will get the below text message, with a valid payment link for them to access. Notice all the Tags, these are customised for each patient and clinic to keep it personal. These can be customised in the Debtors List SMS. Manage / Update your Debtors Templates
Patient’s will not see these tags, but instead their name “Preferred Name” setup in Best Practice (if empty, their first name), the Doctor’s name that they had the consultation with followed by the Payment link AutoMed sends.
After clicking on the Payment URL link that’s sent to the patient, they’ll have to provide their FULL Date of Birth before being able to access the Invoice for what they need to pay. This is helpful if we somehow send this link to the wrong individual, they’re unable to open the invoice without the proper information, thus limiting their access and not being able to see any harmful information.
After the patient enters their DOB, they can see:
The date the invoice was created (the date of the appointment)
The Doctor who provided the service
What MBS Item No. this was and description
Fees and applicable surcharges / GST
This is extremely helpful for the patient’s view to see what exactly they’re being charged for.
The payment is settled and receipted into Best Practice software in real-time. This means once you see the patient has paid for the appointment, you’re able to open the patient’s billing history and see that it has been marked paid.
This is where you may need to send the online claim for them.
Guide up to date as of 14.12.2023
You must have completed the Best Practice Setup guide first - Updating your After-Hours Social / Non-Social Fees in Best Practice Software
Once this task has been completed, you should be set for your After-Hours fees.
If you have any questions or concerns related to this guide or need help with having this setup, please feel free to reach out to the IT team — helpdesk@myhealth.net.au
This allows you to edit these appointments, including fees!
This is where we'll adjust the fees to see fit.
The amount $253.55 is reflected as $250 on the website The amount $506.75 is reflected as $500 on the website
We have to change this amount to reflect to the new amount you put in the previous step.
Submit to finalise the appointment type.
These changes should take effect immediately.
Rinse and repeat the same step above for the other After-hours appointment type(s) making sure you change the amount.
Also, making sure we reflect the price change in the description of the Online Pop-Up Message.
The amount $253.55 is reflected as $250 on the website The amount $506.75 is reflected as $500 on the website